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Reflections from HHRF's Executive Director Dr. Pebbles Turbeville

Extract from From Horses & Humans Research Foundation Newsletter (link below)

Thank you to all who helped foster a tiny glimmer of an idea that resulted in an amazing event in France. The Universal Language of the Horse event in Deauville, France illustrated and shared the work that is being done worldwide to support the horse and human connection. As I reflect on the experience, the words that come to mind are: like-minded people, research, efficacy, sharing, common goals, equine welfare, eye opening, universal goals, and different but the same.

After the eye-opening symposium, I joined the Veteran’s ride on Utah beach to help bring awareness to veteran suicide. HHRF has funded three research grants concerning veteran programing and meeting the veterans on the ride as well as those who were involved in D-Day celebration put faces to why HHRF has supported veteran research. Riding a horse on Utah beach, where so many lost their lives brought up emotions that are hard to articulate. I think all the horses knew that they were taking part in an important experience. I know all three days are an event I will never forget.

My hope is that we continue to support collaborative and sharing events such as this. After all, we are on the same quest.

Thank you to all of those who support HHRF, BraveHearts, Racing to Relate, United Kingdom Horseback riders, Veterans who rode from the USA, France and UK, and ALL the individuals who helped make this universal event so inspiring. Also a special thank you to HHRF’s board member Tara Mahoney for all her hard work, time, and effort.

Dr. Pebbles Turbeville

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